Friday, July 31, 2009

Overconfidence Among Teenage Students Can Stunt Crucial Reading Skills

'While some self-confidence is helpful, overconfident 15-year-olds are often below-average readers in all 34 countries we studied,' says Ming Ming Chiu, the lead author of the study and a professor in the Department of Learning and Instruction in the University at Buffalo's Graduate School of Education. 'In contrast, under-confident 15-year-olds are more likely to be above-average readers in all 34 countries.'"

read more @ Overconfidence Among Teenage Students Can Stunt Crucial Reading Skills:


  1. My theory is that part of this is because under confident kids are usually not as popular and more involved in their schoolwork. Therefore they would read more and would excel more in their reading.

    From my experience in schools it was always the overconfident kids that were popular and didn't bother reading. Finally they would come to school not having read much and bragging about the fact that they hadn't read the last 25 chapters. They would then come back with a grade f not only because of their test scores but also because of their participation in class and their ability to read.

  2. That makes a lot of sense to me. Some day it would be cool to get some more evidence to figure out when it's true and when it's not.

    I wonder what would happen if "smart" was the cool thing that made you popular. There's a neat commercial that Intel did that shows what I'm trying to say.

    Here's the link to Youtube:

  3. That would be the case if smart was cool haha. I do not think that will happen for a while as every generation has a cool and its always the same type of kid.

  4. maybe you have some thoughts on this question.

    If you had to build a brand that says "smart is cool" anything come to mind about how you would do it?

    One thing I've thought of is the Barack is both very smart and way cool.

  5. You would have to do it through fashion. Sick nerdy reading glasses. button up tops and ties and then a good looking face as a commercial of something cool and then it would start to change. I guarantee it.

  6. Coool.. What a neat idea. I would have never thought of it.

  7. Just put both of them girl and guy = both attractive dressed in slacks, 1950's vintage glasses button up shirts and ties and new cool music for a considered cool ad. Not Intel haha.

  8. Ok. But how to show they are "smart", not just cool? is there a video in here someplace?

    Keep in mind, that my definition of "smart" is the ability to make a good judgment about the benefits and risks of day to day decisions.

  9. Yes its a smoking commercial and they say no to smoking or drinking. It could be for DARE - Drug Awareness, peer pressure and stuff. You see an attractive guy and girl dressed in nerdy but designer clothes. no labels. and they get offered it and say like "no thanks id rather study now and then party in college thanks though." something like that would wake kids up.

  10. Nice. Got anything on "smart" in a school setting?

  11. On other hand, I think I see a problem with your script. My hypothesis is that if you tell a high school kid that they shouldn't party until 2 years from now, they are not going to hear anything else you have say.

    Which actually makes sense because on the awesome things about being a kid is that you love to party. When you get older, much less time and energy.

    So..what's the script that says smart partying and why is it ultra cool to do both?

  12. Right so i am now amending my script. One kid goes like "Hey you wana come over today and drink for a bit" and the cool smart girl or guy says "Nah im working now and later im partying at my friends house see you at school" so he ike rejects the kid. It films the party and he doesn't drink nut he gets all the girls. Sound good? Might be a little promiscuous i must say.

  13. I'm loving that!

    I'm not too concerned about promiscuous. My take is that the main thing on the mind of most boy teenagers most of the time is "getting the girls." It may be promiscuous but it sure sounds real to me. I'm not sure, but I bet it would work.

    I would love to see that video . . .ha ha.

  14. My hypothesis is the most boy teenagers get into drinking because it helps them feel cool, even though they can't get the girls. No evidence yet. Just an instinct.

  15. Thats right and thats why this commercial would be key.
