Friday, July 3, 2009
Creative Processes in Science and Technology: Insights from Visual Arts.
Epigenetics: Bruce Lipton PhD
We all somehow "know" that the mind/body connection is key to real health. Are you tired of trying to find the words that describe how the mind and body are related, and why their relationships are important for proper health?
A renaissance in Cell Biology now provides the cutting edge science - real science - to prove how holistic health therapies work! Research scientist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., introduces a long-awaited paradigm shift in the biomedical sciences. The new science will inspire your spirit, engage your mind and challenge your creativity as you comprehend the enormous real potential for applying this information in your life and in your profession.
The VideoThursday, July 2, 2009
Economics: Daniel Kahneman on Behavariol Economics: Clickable Postcard
Daniel Kahneman - Daniel Kahneman is Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology and Professor of Public Affairs Emeritus at Princeton University. He was educated at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem and obtained his PhD in Berkeley. He taught at The Hebrew University, at the University of British Columbia and at Berkeley, and joined the Princeton faculty in 1994, retiring in 2007. He is best known for his contributions, with his late colleague Amos Tversky, to the psychology of judgment and decision making, which inspired the development of behavioral economics in general, and of behavioral finance in particular. This work earned Kahneman the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2002 and many other honors, including the 2006 Thomas Schelling Award given by the Kennedy School at Harvard "to an individual whose remarkable intellectual work has had a transformative impact on public policy", and the Outstanding Lifetime Contribution Award of the American Psychological Association in 2007.
The Back of the Card
QR code generator
The Video
Monday, June 29, 2009
Clever Merchants Use QR Codes and Mobile Marketing | Creative Search Media Blog
Clever Merchants Use QR Codes and Mobile Marketing | Creative Search Media Blog: Monday, June 29th, 2009 by Julia Hydeare being scanned
Validating (to us anyway) our obsession with mobile marketing and, in particular, QR Codes, an article in today’s Insider Retailing suggests the world is taking a step closer to mobile communication and clever merchants are beginning to use it to attract and communicate directly with consumers while they shop.
Walk into any Shopping Mall, anywhere in the world, and you’ll see why - kids and teens are texting each other about items they want to buy; mothers, daughters, sons and husbands are taking and sending photos to each other for approval of a product; coupons and special offers

Student’s Design Helps Piece Together Parts Of The Alzheimer’s Puzzle
Student’s Design Helps Piece Together Parts Of The Alzheimer’s Puzzle:And
"ScienceDaily (June 29, 2009) — A Kingston University design student has turned his coursework into a budding business venture, launching a jigsaw puzzle ideal for people living with dementia.
Ben Atkinson-Willes, 22, who is completing a degree in product and furniture design at Kingston University in South West London this year, was inspired to use his skills to create a specially-designed activity puzzle after his granddad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease."
Measuring Brain Atrophy In Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment
ScienceDaily (June 28, 2009) — Scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have shown that a fully automated procedure called Volumetric MRI – which measures the "memory centers" of the brain and compares them to expected size – is effective in predicting the progression from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer's disease. The procedure can be readily used in clinics to measure brain atrophy, and may help physicians to predict decline in MCI patients.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Teaching 140 Characters at a time
Put the 140 characters on a club card. Hand out in class. Link to web. Go to the wiki or in class to discuss.
Blogging Innovation: Twitter in the Classroom - Latest innovation articles, videos, and insights:
"During Clayton Christensen's talk at the World Innovation Forum about innovation in education and healthcare, Dr. Christensen made a point about how technology will move more of education out of the classroom and onto the Internet.
He was mostly speaking about augmenting home schooling, but also about school leavers earning their equivalency online, and online advanced placement courses for kids at schools who might not have the resources to provide these courses.
This sparked some humorous debate amongst those in the Bloggers Hub at the World Innovation forum about the possibility of teaching kids 140 characters at a time via Twitter."
And then I wrote . . .
Clickable curriculum guides to get just the right video on the flat screen in the classroom and then the kids watching the video on their smartphones and then the family watching the video in the living room. And then talking about it.Clickable ID’s for High School kids to make it easy to send an SMS to mom when junior acts up. It will fix the “attendance problem” in about 2 weeks. It should fix the “stop acting like an asshole problem” in about a month.
The Digital Nirvana Blog Archive
Mosaic to the Internet. Clickable Print to the Printernet:
1. Print and TV are the mass media.
2. The internet is to buy things,store, search and talk.
3. The business rules are buy, store, search, and talk for free and pay for stuff.
4. Print, t shirts, posters et al. are information rich stuff.
5. The printernet has the speed and scale that can bring Print back into the game.
Massive parallel local/global print manufacturing .
At the MFP or CRD or PSP or a gezillion PSPS.
Easy access to the internet
Clickable print(Print 2d Codes PC cameras or Smart Phones)
Easy access to the printernet
Some use cases:
Clickable maps connected to OnStar or Sirius Radio.
Clickable TV guides to find just the right video at just the right time.
Clickable club cards and postcards to support viral marketing.
Clickable club cards, postcards and flyers to support political campaigns.
Clickable newspapers to replace high school textbooks.
Clickable labels in museums and art galleries to find out more.
Clickable supermarket shoppers to carry through the store.
Clickable menus to get the ingredients and the chain of production of the food.
Clickable production machines to get the carbon footprints.
Clickable manuals for doctors, plumbers and electricians.
Clickable drug labeling to monitor compliance."
Evidence Of Memory Seen In Songbird Brain
Evidence Of Memory Seen In Songbird Brain:
"ScienceDaily (June 27, 2009) — When a zebra finch hears a new song from a member of its own species, the experience changes gene expression in its brain in unexpected ways, researchers report. The sequential switching on and off of thousands of genes after a bird hears a new tune offers a new picture of memory in the songbird brain.
The finding, detailed this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was a surprise, said principal investigator David Clayton, a professor of cell and developmental biology at the University of Illinois. He and his colleagues had not expected to see so many genes involved, and thought that any changes in gene activity after a bird heard a new song would quickly dissipate."
. . .The new study took a broad snapshot of gene activity in the brain. Using DNA microarray analysis, the researchers measured changes in levels of messenger RNAs in the auditory forebrain of finches exposed to a new song. These mRNAs are templates that allow the cell to translate individual genes into the proteins that do the work of the cells. Any surge or drop in the number of mRNAs in brain cells after a stimulus offers clues to how the brain is responding.
Culture Speeds Up Human Evolution: Scientific American
Culture Speeds Up Human Evolution
: Scientific American:
Homo sapiens sapiens has spread across the globe and increased vastly in numbers over the past 50,000 years or so—from an estimated five million in 9000 B.C. to roughly 6.5 billion today. More people means more opportunity for mutations to creep into the basic human genome and new research confirms that in the past 10,000 years a host of changes to everything from digestion to bones has been taking place.
'We found very many human genes undergoing selection,' says anthropologist Gregory Cochran of the University of Utah, a member of the team that analyzed the 3.9 million DNA sequences* showing the most variation. 'Most are very recent, so much so that the rate of human evolution over the past few thousand years is far greater than it has been over the past few million years.'"
The other point is that space and time are deep fundamentals.
"We think we will be able to find some of the genetic changes that drove human population growth and migrations—the broad causes of human history." *Print is information in space.