Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The English Teacher's Companion: English Goes to Work (Part 1)

The point is that this is a very clear, well written framework to see how the study of language fits into education. It's a four part series and is best read over there.

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The English Teacher's Companion: English Goes to Work (Part 1):

1 comment:

  1. Very informative and blunt. It is true that school does not prepare you for a work place especially in the time of an economic crisis. I like how informative it is in the sense that it shows most young adults that you cannot necessarily come out of college and suddenly get a very prestigous career. I for one know a couple friends who came out of Harvard expecting to be millionaires and right now they're actually quite the opposite because they had never been taught the working side of things. Sure literacy prepares you for the outside world but other learned subjects are needed in most cases to give you a successful lifestyle.
